Ever heard of Comet? I heard it long ago when it just started out in Ajaxian\’s post. They described it best:
Alex Russell has coined a term for a flavour of Ajax that’s been getting more attention of late. Comet describes applications where the server keeps pushing – or streaming – data to the client, instead of having the browser keep polling the server for fresh content.
Correct me if I\’m wrong but I think the Dojo framework may have been the first to support Comet. Some of the uses I know of is chat and stock ticker updates but I\’m sure there are tons of uses.
Now, when I learned about Comet, I was using MooTools 1.0/1.11. I was really interested in trying out this new tech and was trying to learn as much as I could. I knew that MooTools didn\’t have a Request.Comet so I looked into building one. Long story short, I wasn\’t successful because other projects took up my time, but my curiosity never went away.
Doing a search for Moo-Comet has led me to Benjamin Hutchins and his Request.Comet example. He has a MooTools 1.2 and 1.1 version of Request.Comet.
His code us up on Google Code for all the world to see. Great job, Ben! I can call you Ben, right?