Aaron Newton has released some new form validators (with help from contributor Chafik Barbar) and documentation for his beta code. Everyone has to deal with form validators one way or another. I\’ve posted on one from MooTools.Floor, but this is a different way of doing things. Continue reading Clientcide: New Form Validators and Documented Beta Code
Tag: form validation
MooTools.Floor Does Form Validation Right!
We\’ve all dealt with form validation one way or another and I didn\’t find one to my liking. I was mulling over the idea of writing my own for a while and then I read Ajaxian\’s blog today about a really awesome MooTools form validation class from MooTools.Floor. MooTools.Floor actually announced their FormCheck v1.4 form validation class in July 25, 2008. Continue reading MooTools.Floor Does Form Validation Right!