Bezier Class in MooTools

Iván Paz (correct me if I\’m wrong, not sure that is the correct surname) has put together a really awesome MooTools class that extends Fx.Morph with bezier calculations used in translations.

You can check out his site here: Ivanicus\’ Code Box

He\’s got an example set up too! But beware, it\’s currently a work-in-progress, as he stated.

Form property set/get error with MooTools in Internet Explorer

When I was working on\’s redesign, I found an error when setting or getting a form element\’s properties in IE. The other browsers was able to set or get the property just fine. So I\’m going to share my solution with you today. I\’ll go over the methods MooTools has first so you know what I was doing. Continue reading Form property set/get error with MooTools in Internet Explorer

Inspired by Aaron Newton\’s \”Programming to the Pattern\”

Aaron Newton is a contrbutor to MooTools and the care-taker of Clientside,\’s developer blog. He recently wrote about being inspired to write code differently and a more indepth post about his thoughts on (take a deep breath if you\’re verbally reading this) \”jQuery, MooTools, the Ajax Experience, Programming to the Pattern, and What Really Makes One Framework Different From Another\”. He has inspired me to be more aware of how I write my code. Continue reading Inspired by Aaron Newton\’s \”Programming to the Pattern\”