Ready for display:table? I think not.

Rachel Andrew wrote an article about the CSS display property to include a few new tricks in IE8.

When released, Internet Explorer 8 will support many new values for the CSS display property, including the table-related values: table, table-row, and table-cell—and it’s the last major browser to come on board with this support. This event will mark the end of complex CSS layout techniques, and will be the final nail in the coffin of using HTML tables for layout. Finally, producing table-like grid layouts using CSS will be quick and easy.

I agree this is great news, and her examples leaves me drooling at its potential, but we need to remember that majority of users, in our vast web, is still using IE6/IE7, which lacks support that IE8 will gain.

I\’m not saying to forget those values entirely when building. I\’m just saying that we need to consider whether to include them in consistent web page user experience or not. I think in the corporate world, the users would be included. Personally, I\’d rather have them upgrade and use the modern browsers that are standards compliant so we can all move forward quickly.

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