If you\’ve had to use javascript to submit a form, you may have used the forms submit() method. You may also experienced difficulty, such as a \”submit is not a function\” error. It has to deal with mapping and I\’ve got a very simple solution.
The Setup:
Just so you know, this is done with MooTools 1.2, but if you know javascript, you can build it from scratch.
The Test:
Copy the code into a test html file. Open Firebug (you DO have Firebug and FireFox, don\’t you?) and display the console. Click on the submit button and there should be an error.
The Solution:
Very simple now. Change the name to anything besides submit and you\’ve fixed the mapping issue.
This one took me a while to find, but I was glad when I did. I hope this is helpful.
this is very handy, yet very helpful.
input button name change. that simple. 🙂
I’m not quite sure how I managed to find this page but I’m glad I did! Saved me a lot of hair pulling I think! Cheers!
@Rob, glad to have helped. 😀
Thank you, this one was driving me crazy.