Inspired by Aaron Newton\’s \”Programming to the Pattern\”

Aaron Newton is a contrbutor to MooTools and the care-taker of Clientside,\’s developer blog. He recently wrote about being inspired to write code differently and a more indepth post about his thoughts on (take a deep breath if you\’re verbally reading this) \”jQuery, MooTools, the Ajax Experience, Programming to the Pattern, and What Really Makes One Framework Different From Another\”. He has inspired me to be more aware of how I write my code. Continue reading Inspired by Aaron Newton\’s \”Programming to the Pattern\”

My \”First Post\” post

Hello and welcome! I\’d much rather you read this as my first post than the \”Hello World!\”.

For starters, check out my About Me page to learn more about… me.

I\’ve been thinking about what I should post that was informative. It could be a MooTools tutorial, or something I\’ve done at work. Oh, I\’m really big on web standards and unobtrusive javascript, so maybe I can talk about that. I\’ve recently lead and completed a front end redesign on, so that\’s an experience I could share.

Well, anyways, while I gather my thoughts and put together some thing with more meat, just know that there\’s more to come. I\’m also going to throw up a different theme too. This default one just ain\’t working.

Thanks for visiting!